It’s catching up to me…
The vertigo, insomnia, migraines that don’t dissipate. Close calls of falling from not height at all, because I can’t stand and not sway. My slightly shaky hands when I take a video; the corners of my mind that I no longer know. How I will never be who I was before; the fear that I’m unable to grow into something more.
I wither like a sapling in the shade of an oak, long dead; Stuck inside the pathways of my forever injured head.

Luciana, 36


Living inside a dirty, blue sea-glass bottle,
I wander slowly and bump against the sides.
The only place to go is around – again.
The only thing to do is to repeat what has never worked.
Muffled voices talk at me through the glass.
I respond, they laugh.
Witty as ever, behind the veil that only I can see.

Luciana, 36


Ignore it, deny it, distract it;
This creature that has festerd inside of you for over a decade.
Siphoning off your best to bolster her own strength.
The physical pain that she creates, crawling around the shell of your chest, is palpable every day,
and you gag on her tail curling up into your throat.
There is no oxygen left in the blood that flows through your heart, with all the purpose of a novelty fountain.
This monster now holds your air, your hope, your heart.
And if she didn’t exist anymore, would you?
Nearly symbiotic, if not for her malicious intent.

Luciana, 36


Dreaming, I sit alone in a stadium full of people. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I turn and see you walking down the concrete stairs to my row.
“Come on,” and you move your arms into the brace for a piggy-back.
With no hesitation or care for the destination, I jump onto your back, throwing my arms around your neck like some kind of animal who found its symbiotic counterpart.
We don’t go far, you only carry me up a few rows to a spot where there are two chairs next to each other that no one else seems to notice.

I will sit there forever.

Luciana, Lost

Expectation vs. Reality

It’s the difference between a man who runs his thumb across your cheek and holds your face before a kiss,
and the one who pulls your hair while sticking his tongue down your throat.

The difference between feeling the warmth in someone’s eyes when they look at you,
and hearing the word “Fuuuuccckkk” hissed into your ear, endlessly.

It’s a choice to believe that there is someone out there who will see you for all that you are,
amidst a reality plagued with prodding, pushing, pulling, pounding and discarding.

Luciana, 36


You’re past the point of magic, and all the butterflies in your chest have died and turned to dust. With these hollowed insides, you wade around murky, rotting waters looking for that “catch,” with nothing left to find but slippery monsters covered in film sliding around your feet.

Luciana, 35


Can you get any lower? I wonder,
“Can you talk any slower?” out loud.
The difference between what’s in my mind, and what is ‘life’ is a thin line,
and everything’s lost in a cloud.

“You’re not who I thought you’d be,” she says
to herself in the mirror, but who is?
People find themselves different, and better; Not failing and falling faster,
into a trash compactor abyss.

Crush me with the rest of the garbage,
compact me down under the clay.
Or recycle these thoughts into something new,
so that I can be better someday.

Luciana, 35


Feeling left out of your own life, behind observation glass watching someone fail to live up to a basic standard of living, no giving and taking, just being taken from, who’s this shell of a human that you have become?

Nothing left to be scared of, the nightmare is you. Greasy and tired, lethargic and wired,
shut off from the world in a little room writing about becoming something you know isn’t good.

Who else sees you this way? Who else matters?
The introspection of depression is understatedly skewed, beyond all reason, beyond the point, when you’re on the outside looking in on you.

Luciana, 35


When you stop being afraid, you start to see the fear in other things;
How small and fragile spiders are,
with their clear skin and runner’s stance.
That, “Oh fuck,” look they give you with all eight of their eyes,
when you spot one another.
What on earth was I ever thinking they could do to me?

For the rest of my life I will only ever set them down gently, back outside,
in an attempt to repent for every time that I didn’t.

Luciana, 34

The End.

It’s never too late to be what you might have been
and this is the end of who I was.
Walls crumble away and nothing remains,
of the prison built to capture the pain.
Hanging on tightly to what was long gone,
it took fifteen years to learn how
to let go,
to grow up,
to get up, and move on.

Luciana, 34
(George Elliot, 1819 – 1880)


What doesn’t kill you, just won’t kill you,
cannot kill you for awhile.
You’re alive behind the rotting of your soul and of your smile.
The blood inside your heart is rendered stale and out of breath,
The muscles at the corners of your mouth have no strength left.
Witty words choke in your throat, and every crutch is gone,
But wait, you get to learn from this, another life lesson!
With another slimy lesson in the slurry of your gut,
Whatever doesn’t kill you makes this existence a rough one.

Luciana, 34


The attention you want is temporary
a flash in the pan that tastes burnt on your tongue
it would hurt if you cared more, about them, about you
as your chest caves in on your heart and lungs

Beyond the lonely and into alone
untethered thoughts and robotic response
Into the black and lost to the blue
it’s almost over, but never quite done.

Luciana, 34


Spying something shiny on the ground, you kneel down to see, thinking what a special find! One of a kind, revealing itself to me!

Upon closer inspection it’s a piece of common trash. Broken, sharp and dirty, smells like old beer bottle glass.

Your only purpose pausing is to chuck it in the bin, to ensure it’s nasty, trashy shine won’t stop someone again.

Luciana, 33


Let’s meet in the dark and drive out on your golf cart, on the grass in silence, laughing in defiance at the finite reality that separates you from me, and it’s so dark that we can’t see, or won’t believe, that it’s only me, wandering in a pipe dream where you’re right here, next to me laughing and existing, briefly…

Luciana, 32


A constant stream of Peter Pans
floods this windy Neverland
pretending that “adulting”
is the same as Adult Man

He’s so busy, he’s not sorry
every moment is a joke
On a journey with his bros,
it’s so sick, he’s so woke

Time passes all the same
while he stunts his inner growth
despite a lifetime of avoidance,
on the outside, Pan’s a man

Trapped inside an aging shell,
that is now his living hell

Luciana, 32


I am here to steal your dreams,
lagging and lazy, you settle for less.
Ambition fading, you become one of the rest,
while I live out your days that would have been best.

I will set on my shelves what you never earned,
Explore places you never knew existed,
Know myself more than you’ll ever know you,
Succeed, while you rot in a lack of resistance.

Longingly look back lamenting all you didn’t do,
and know that everything got done,
my Me, and not by you.

Luciana, 32


Thought out
Pushed send
Left on read
Left un-dead

More to say?

Fuck this
Fuck texts
What happened to
My confidence?

Blinking dots,
a dumb reply
Response from me
IDK why

Thoughts, text
To what end?
DING, read
Grimace, send

I remember
times before
calls and voicemails
knocks on doors

Locker notes with neon pens
Show up, face to face,
No chance for a ghost escape

No endless wait
No end in sight
No empty light

This sightless stare,
Fuck these texts
Modern nightmare.

Luciana, 32


The alarm sounds and my eyelids slowly un-peel. I reach for a tiny axe on the nightstand, open the door to my chest and listen for the quiet beat in the dark. I slam the axe as hard as I can, straight down the middle of my heart, and feel the fracture spread like a virus.

Broken, bleeding fragments clatter down the insides of my ribcage, coming to rest in a mangled, dysfunctional pile in the pit of my stomach.

When the last piece falls, I close the door, wipe the blood off the little axe, and set it back on the nightstand. With a sufficiently shattered heart, I stand up out of bed. Ready to face another day where no one else has a chance at it.

Luciana, 31

Love Ya

Dear Reader,

If you follow my stories from time to time, have read something that resonates with you or simply have a fondness for dark, honest poetry and prose poems, check out my collection! Available as a Kindle eBook, link below. It’s air-tight, and I’m proud to share.

Luciana, 31


Pop the little blue pill and flatten the tires of your racing thoughts with road spikes.
Cram your heart inside a glass bottle and throw it into a slosh of stomach bile.
Lower your eyelids like window shades.
Let your face melt into vacancy, like the facade of a historical building that has been gutted on the inside, retaining the look of a functioning residence on the outside.

Luciana, 31


Clothes cover ripped skin, hide broken bones,
Wax fills in his face, irreparably smashed.
Glue holds his eyes and mouth tightly closed,
in excess, dry and crystallized on eyelashes.

Why couldn’t we have gathered around the car,
the body left inside in the way that he died
and have see the truth of the end of a life,
instead of this morbid, disgusting disguise?

Or nothing at all, no memorial,
his name never mentioned again.
As if he could show up again, someday,
and it would not have been then end.

Luciana, 31


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, is a lie.

What doesn’t kill you, instead lays a thick layer of tar down your insides, suffocating all hope and function from foresight.
Nothing remains but a shell.

The only truth is that some things are worth having, and losing, and not quite killing you. 

Luciana, 31